What is the Circle of Influence?

My dear friend and coach Selina has been working with te circle of influence and asked if we do a short interview series about it. Part I: What is the Circle of Influence? Part II: Where does the Circle of Influence come from? Part III: How can we Influence outside of our circle.

What is the Circle of Influence? Simply said it’s the awareness of the fact that we always have a choice. We can choose our response to the things we can not influence such as other people’s behaviour, the weather, traffic jams…. When we choose our response rather than reacting we control our emotional state and energy. When we fall victim to other people’s actions, words etc we are simply handing them the remote control of our emotions….because they say or do something we get upset, frustrated, sad.

Keep your emotional remote control! and work on what you can control.


The Roots of "The Circle of Influence", a deeper understanding


Big Brother isn't watching you...he's pulling rabbits out of a hat